Resumes: Designer
Fonts & Bullets versus Traditional Ones
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The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service
the advent of computer software and PCs, everyone now has
the capability of desktop publishing, complete with fancy
with these innovations come problems, especially if you�re
sending your resume via email (as an attachment) to a prospective
speaking, only classic fonts such as Times New Roman and
Arial are universal on PCs.
Designer fonts like BlackAdder II, Broadway, Mistral,
and Stencil must be purchased or downloaded from free font
sites on the Internet.
Because of this, a resume created using BlackAdder
II might look great on your computer, but once it�s transmitted
to the employer�s computer, another font will likely be
substituted. What
does that substitution do?
Well, for one, it throws off formatting, potentially
stretching your perfect one-page resume onto two or more
pages, because fonts differ in height, depth, and the amount
of spacing between characters.
And while BlackAdder II is a rather elegant, stylish
font, the one the computer will substitute may very well
be bulky and, quite frankly, ugly.
if you�re going to be sending your resume as an attachment
to numerous employers, it�s always best to use Times New
Roman or Arial. That
way, you know your formatting and the overall look of the
resume will remain true.
Like designer
fonts, designer bullets add flair to a resume.
And like those fonts, designer bullets are not universal
on all PCs. So
if you choose one that�s a check mark, a small arrow, a
five-pointed star, or anything other than the universal
round bullet, those dynamite designs may very well turn
up as question marks or numerals on the hiring manager�s
the best time to use designer fonts and bullets is when
you�re �snail� mailing your resume to an employer or handing
it to them in person -- that is, when you have a hard copy
of your resume for distribution.
For those resumes being sent as attachments, it�s
best to go with traditional fonts and bullets.